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  1. S

    Can't Do Any Multitasking While Listen To Music! Guys, click Confirm button ;)
  2. S

    Gapps On 6.5.19

    Then update the Android System Webview, as advised in the main update topic.
  3. S

    MULTI 6.5.26 - Last Miui 7!

    Nope, it works fine.
  4. S

    MULTI 6.5.26 - Last Miui 7!

    Thanks again! @ingbrzy Is there any way to set's icons set to Google Apps in MiPad 2? The rest of the icons are fine, just google's are stock.
  5. S

    MULTI 6.5.19

    Yep, for me it was needed for saving wep pages to PDF. Adding Cloud Print to autostart fixed the issue.
  6. S

    MULTI 6.5.19

    Thanks for libra!
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    MULTI 6.5.19

    Would it be possible to fix icons in latte? It seems it's gonna be the last release for this device...
  8. S

    MULTI 6.5.19

    How about Xiaomi tablets and MIUI 8? Do you know something more?
  9. S

    MULTI 6.5.19

    @ingbrzy Where can we put requests for new icons or upload icons made by us?
  10. S

    Can't Do Any Multitasking While Listen To Music!

    Why Google Play services? Btw. I cannot see Google Play services on Autostart list.
  11. S

    MULTI 6.5.19

    The search bar in the notification shade does not work on MiPad 2. There is not even a position like this in the settings.
  12. S

    MULTI 6.5.19 icons does not work for Google Apps in latte. There are stock ones instead
  13. S

    MULTI 6.5.19

    Why does latte contain Google services?
  14. S

    MULTI 6.5.12

    First, I've installed china stable(from, 7.2 I think, via fastboot. Then Google Services from this link: Then I've installed china dev 5.12.24 via Updater app, rooted, installed TWRP( with MTP working). Then I've wiped everything...
  15. S

    MULTI 6.5.12

    Which browser do you use? Could you show me more stats?
  16. S

    MULTI 6.5.12

    Whoa! You DO rock guys!
  17. S

    MULTI 6.5.12

    How can you do that??!!
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    MULTI 6.5.12

    In fact you need to install Cloud Print, as it was removed in this week's release.
  19. S

    MULTI 6.5.12

    Tried a clean install with MiPad 2 and 6.5.12 and removing GApps from the rom doesn't solve the problem. Flashing both still causes the same problem. The only solution to install GApps properly is the whole process with Chinese stable -> Chinese dev -> etc. Please, revert GApps to the ROM back.
  20. S

    MULTI 6.5.12

    Please, revert GApps to latte.