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  1. thay

    Bootloader Status Check / No Available Recovery

    Don't work.Loads stock recovery with black screen and a disconnected phone .After a minute reboots itself
  2. thay

    Bootloader Status Check / No Available Recovery

    Thank you ingbrzy for your reply With fastboot command twrp recovery is available now how can i load recovery mode directly from device with vol + and power?
  3. thay

    Bootloader Status Check / No Available Recovery

    Mi5 comes with a locked bootloader and no recovery mode available.User can request an unlocking code and unlock bootloader(after long waiting it....) I unlocked bootloader and flashed twrp recovery in fasboot mode but i still can't access to recovery. My output in fastboot for checking...
  4. thay Multilang Rom For Xiaomi Mi5 (unlocked Bl Only!) Released!

    ..if anyone can post the output please
  5. thay Multilang Rom For Xiaomi Mi5 (unlocked Bl Only!) Released!

    No only in fasboot mode with pc
  6. thay Multilang Rom For Xiaomi Mi5 (unlocked Bl Only!) Released!

    Can someone with unlocked bootloader post the output of this command line in fastboot please? fastboot oem device-info
  7. thay Multilang Rom For Xiaomi Mi5 (unlocked Bl Only!) Released!

    I haven't used mi flash.I have unlocked bootloader and flashed recovery for update with recovery rom The mistake is that recovery mode isn' available and i dubt bootloader is really unlocked If anyone has feedback about flashing this modded firmware with locked bootloader and no brick please reply
  8. thay Multilang Rom For Xiaomi Mi5 (unlocked Bl Only!) Released!

    It's a strange issue not related to pc flash .Tested on 3 different pc but stil no recovery access.Bootloader seems to be unlocked and recovery seems to be flashed but MI5 is a mistake thing...NO Recovery access
  9. thay Multilang Rom For Xiaomi Mi5 (unlocked Bl Only!) Released!

    I have a little problem,can't flash twrp recovery.Bootloader seems to be unlocked but i have any recovery access.Unlocker says Could'n verify device - No need to unlock this device I don't know if now there is a brick possibility if i try with miflash mode
  10. thay Multilang Rom For Xiaomi Mi5 (unlocked Bl Only!) Released!

    So many thanks to team GREAT job!
  11. thay


    Good job M1cha :) MI2 needs a good recovery.without clockworkmod recovery this device is not full functional.Hope miui releases kernel source as soon as possible for full open source development
  12. thay

    Big thanks for 2012

    Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all !! :)
  13. thay

    Miui camera issues

    New miui also has integrated miui camera but seems like cyanogen one,without autofocus in video for now
  14. thay

    Miui camera issues

    Tested new apk miui camera and had not found autofocus in video mode Was the same issue in previous version of camera apk Hope developers fix this bug for next release this rom is wonderful but a ultimate phone need's a good camera!
  15. thay

    No autofocus on video mode

    Any news about camera section?
  16. thay

    New miui file manager issues

    With new miui file manager i have random fc Seems to be only when opening files on sd
  17. thay

    MIUI 1.10.14 - We have 15 supported devices !!!

    Too many miui rom updates,translation is a problem with continuous daily releases
  18. thay

    HTC camera

    Was the thing i'v request many times without success ......
  19. thay

    No autofocus on video mode

    I've request it on the begin of miui development about this but without positive responses So many others surplus features where implemented .Camera is an important feature in last generation smartphone....
  20. thay

    No autofocus on video mode

    Another release of miui ... and the camera is same as before ---- no af in video mode and poor camera app Why don't fix this issue in miui?