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  1. merlin699


    no EVO3D love this week?
  2. merlin699


    If anyone is interested: this is a kernel-problem. It works when another kernel is installed. Anthrax works great. Gesendet von meinem Evo 3D GSM mit Tapatalk 2
  3. merlin699


    you did read the previous page, didn't you??
  4. merlin699


    I have a Problem with Bluetooth on the Evo3D. it connects with the car-radio, it sets on call the radio to silent, but the call goes to the phone speaker and not to the car-radio. has anybody else this problem or does anyone know a solution? thanks!
  5. merlin699


    google plus wasn't able to connect to server. It's fixable by installing an adfree host-file using Adaway :D
  6. merlin699


    wow, cool, even for the EVO3D. thx. but Google+ can't connect to server and GoogleKeep doesn't sync, everything else works (so far). standard english and in multilang.