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  1. K

    Skype and other apps incompatible?!

    or, you just download the apk and side-load the app? I don´t know have not had this problem.
  2. K

    Camera mod for even better image

    This needed it´s own thread: Now, goggle translate were not much help other then i had to register for the files. The installation is not understandable using translate. So if someone that understand would e so kind as to help me and everyone ells here get an even better camera, I would be...
  3. K

    [ROM | 4.1.1][ | WIUI | ][ 4.8.29 - FiNAL ] - MULTiLanguage | v4 | v5 | AROMA |

    If you like me suffer then you language is not included and some apps are in English instead of your own language, this app helps: works like a charm, did not even have to redownload any apps. I use this for swedish.
  4. K

    HDR video recording?

    how sad
  5. K

    HDR video recording?

    oh, maybe i should say that i have the mi-2s. the 16gb version.
  6. K

    HDR video recording?

    But i understand now that it is a typing error at the other sites.
  7. K

    HDR video recording?
  8. K

    HDR video recording?

    I seen this on some sites but they might have their info from the same site that is wrong. Or is hdr on in video all the time? Because i cant find the option to turn it on and off.
  9. K

    Softkeys wont lit

    Well taht explains it. Thank you
  10. K

    Softkeys wont lit

    So then it is dark the soft keys wont light up. Is there any sttings for this or a way to test if they still work. I got my phone yester day. I think they worked then I forst opend the box and powerd it on. The LED works.