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  1. Ghori

    MIUI 8.2 6.9.29

    It's strange that nobody wants to voice an opinion about this. Is it heresy to imply that any previous ROM release might be in some ways superior to the current weekly or current stable?
  2. Ghori

    MIUI 8.2 6.9.29

    Which one of the ROMs Is (was) the best on a Kenzo? I was asked to set up a new Kenzo device for a family member. I wonder which ROM to install. After he gets the phone, he will surely never install an updated ROM. He does not care about the latest and greatest Miui features. What...
  3. Ghori

    Übersetzungskorrekturen | Miui V7 | Deutsch []

    RN2 hab ich. Aber mit dem Device hat das wahrscheinlich nichts zu tun, sondern mit der eingestellten Schriftgröße. Bis zur Größe S passt das, aber ab Größe M gibt es diese Überlagerung.
  4. Ghori

    Übersetzungskorrekturen | Miui V7 | Deutsch []

    Einstellungen weitere Einstellungen Akku Akkuverbrauch Hardware Bildschirm Da kommt dann eine Anzeige, die ähnlich wie folgendes Beispiel aussieht: Akkuverbrauch durch Bildschirm und70% Beleuchtung Details Laufzeit 5h 47m 57s Das Wort und und die 70% überlagern sich auf...
  5. Ghori

    MULTI 6.5.26 - Last Miui 7!

    Bug! When phone..settings..location..add country codes is enabled, the phone cannot process SSI/USSD codes any more. In this case, the phone obviously inserts a country code in front of any USSD code you enter, which renders the USSD code invalid. RN2 hermes.
  6. Ghori

    MULTI 6.5.26 - Last Miui 7!

    Oh, I read the first post carefully. It does not say anything about root with respect to RN2 Hermes, that is why I asked those questions. You're still avoiding to answer any of my questions. Do you know any of the answers?
  7. Ghori

    MULTI 6.5.26 - Last Miui 7!

    I know what root is, I'm using it. By the way, you did not answer any of my questions. Do you know any of the answers?
  8. Ghori

    MULTI 6.5.26 - Last Miui 7!

    "If you know what you're doing..." that sounds scary. What kind of expertise is needed besides downloading SuperSU, starting TWRP and selecting the downloaded package? And wherefrom do I download the appropriate Supersu package? There is one on Play Store, can I use that? Probably not...
  9. Ghori

    MULTI 6.5.26 - Last Miui 7!

    I'm on a recent hermes weekly, which has bugs and inconveniencies for me. I want to try out several older weeklies until I find one that suits my needs and then stay with that for now. I know the following question has been asked many times, but now I can't find the answer... What does it...
  10. Ghori

    MULTI 6.5.12

    Do you really think Angloamericans or French, for example, are, by and large, any better in this respect?
  11. Ghori

    MULTI 6.5.12

    Try locking your music app in memory. In the task manager, drag the music app icon downwards. A little padlock symbol should appear attached to the icon.
  12. Ghori

    MULTI 6.5.5

    I don't know when this silly feature was added, because I skipped 4 recent weeklies, but now that I installed 6.5.5, this thing came up and annoys me greatly. The telephone app now frequently pops up the following notification: Looks like roaming is activated... You can add country codes...
  13. Ghori

    MULTI 6.5.5

    Try locking your music app in memory. In the task manager, drag the music app icon downwards. A little padlock symbol should appear attached to the icon.
  14. Ghori

    MULTI 6.5.5

    Thanks, it worked. I used icebox to unfreeze it.
  15. Ghori

    MULTI 6.5.5

    RN2 (Hermes) here. Some time ago, I froze cloud print and forgot about it. Today, I installed 6.5.5 and promptly got the dreaded FC in additional settings. The problem is, I can't find a way to unfreeze cloud print. What now? Can I just revert to my previously installed 6.3.24? What sort of...
  16. Ghori

    MULTI 6.4.28

    You're using two Sims, right? Only one of them can be set to provide the internet function. And only that one has the preferred network type option.
  17. Ghori

    MULTI 6.4.28

    Sure it is a bug. OK, unfreezing cloud print is a circumvention, but it's a bug nonetheless.
  18. Ghori

    MULTI 6.4.21

    I have seen this problem reported four times in various forums during the last half year. When the RN2 sees a new SD that needs formatting, it calls the recovery program to wipe the internal storage. It appears to be a bug in RN2 that has existed ever since day 1.
  19. Ghori

    MULTI 6.4.14

    In my opinion the current fad of giving all icons a rounded square color background is ugly. It is just a silly attempt to make android phones look more like iPhones. I'm not surprised that Google says, hey, we don't want our stuff to look like iPhone stuff. And I second that emotion.
  20. Ghori

    MULTI 6.3.31

    @Asachko: Why do you get no response? Nobody understands what you say. Please use short sentences. Put a period at the end of a sentence. Try different words in your Google translate. Maybe then somebody will understand.