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  1. zonka


    hiii.. im from Weekly 11.10.24 RN7.. i want to try Stable version and want clean install.. is recomended to Format DATA & System?? or just Wipe Cache & Dalvik and Wipe Data??
  2. zonka

    MIUI 11.1 9.10.24

    help... my Note 7 get "error 7" when manual update via latest OrangeFox recovery.. error is: "E1001 failed to update system image.. are you installing onto correct device?? bla bla..." i download correct rom for Redmi Note 7.. now whatever i flash custom rom always get error like above..
  3. zonka

    9.8.29/9.9.3/9.9.6 - Last MIUI 10

    yess.. v9.9.3 on RN7 also.. more better v9.8.29 or 9.8.22
  4. zonka

    9.8.29/9.9.3/9.9.6 - Last MIUI 10

    why not removing Xiaomi Service Framework?? what function this service?? i'm using Saki Tool to remove XSF and other xiaomi apps/service..
  5. zonka

    9.8.29/9.9.3/9.9.6 - Last MIUI 10

    i think just version name.. 4 digit like miui = Miui 10 bla bla = from ROM Stable Global/China 3 digit like miui 9.8.29 = 29 August 2019 = from ROM Beta China Weekly
  6. zonka

    9.8.29/9.9.3/9.9.6 - Last MIUI 10

    hahaa.. china dev typically..
  7. zonka

    9.8.29/9.9.3/9.9.6 - Last MIUI 10

    better because update weekly or "truelly better"?? my point is better battery..just that is RN7 is last stable for miui 10??
  8. zonka

    9.8.29/9.9.3/9.9.6 - Last MIUI 10

    for RN7 better using beta 9.8.29 or stable i'm dilema to download
  9. zonka

    MIUI 10.0/10.1/10.2/10.3/10.4 STABLE RELEASE

    okay.. optimization like feature in custom kernel, like added Bloefa wakelock Blocker, Synced with bla bla bla, implement with bla bla bla..
  10. zonka


    are dev also modify/optimizing kernel also?? or just using stock kernel from China Beta??
  11. zonka

    MIUI 10.0/10.1/10.2/10.3/10.4 STABLE RELEASE

    are dev also modify/optimizing kernel also?? or just using stock kernel from China Beta??
  12. zonka

    MIUI 10.0/10.1/10.2/10.3/10.4 STABLE RELEASE

    why in stable version the notification icon not showing near network speed meter?? and stable version no have charging icon near battery indicator.. both feature already in beta version, making more nice looking like aosp cusrom.. is both feature will implemented in next stable??
  13. zonka


    i think must clean flash, coz different base..
  14. zonka


    i'm usully using stable.. if using beta version as base is a must i update every week or can skip 2-3 week??
  15. zonka

    MIUI 8.2 7.1.5

    ok.. i can accept the reason.. because some Indonesian spamming, its making big effect: Indonesian Language not added on rom..
  16. zonka

    MIUI 8.2 7.1.5

    why?? in first page in "Language included in our MIUIv8" there are NON EU Country added in this rom: China, Korean, Vietnamese and Thai..
  17. zonka

    MIUI 8.2 6.12.1

    i'm reading from first page until last page found some user Redmi Note 3 SD have trouble with Setting.apk crash, can't verify device info and etc.. actually what happen with RN3 Pro rom?? i'm also have above problem with v6.11.17 and v6.11.24.. not trying new v6.12.1
  18. zonka

    MIUI 8.2 6.11.24

    trying flash v6.11.17 and v6.11.24 for my Kenzo.. both rom Setting.apk is crashed/Force Close, can't login Mi Account, Can't bla bla device info.. i'm flash from CM13 Optimized.. on v6.10.13 work normally flash from CM13.. maybe Baseband or "something" causing v6.11.17 and v6.11.24 Setting.apk...
  19. zonka

    MIUI 8.2 6.11.17

    how to log? i'm never report log.. I still can't enter Setting and Mi Account..
  20. zonka

    MIUI 8.2 6.11.17

    I'm always use EN language.. Coz I'm from Indonesia, can't understand another EU Language.. Heheee..