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  1. N

    HyperOS 2.0 HyperOS 2.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Can i know what you have used to hide root? i need it to work on socrates. thks
  2. N

    Android auto on HyperOS

    On my socrates i still not get te AA working. It connects but after a while it disconnect wtih a notification saying "the phone is not responding". then i try to reconnect in the notifications by the usb functions - (only for charge) (for image files) or the one i choose - i think it says for...
  3. N

    Android auto on HyperOS

    Hello again. yesterday i tried android auto on car and unfortunadly i have no good news! That has connected to car but after a while says that phone is not responding. it keeps conected because the charging is on. On my wifes phone, redmi note 11 pro it works perfectly with the same cable. don't...
  4. N

    Android auto on HyperOS

    Done that right now. Now i have to try it on car. At least now it appears on conectivity. Hope it works. Thks for the help
  5. N

    Android auto on HyperOS

    In photo you can ser the app. I cannot Open it neither reach the settings. On car it starts but after a while it disconnects...
  6. N

    Android auto on HyperOS

    I have hyperOS ROM version on redmi k60 pro (socrates) but i have a bug that is boring me deeply... Cannot open android auto app. Can anyone help?
  7. N

    K60 Pro unpopular?

    can you give the link of telegram channel? thks
  8. N

    Will REDMI K60Pro be released outside of China?

    if i install the rom on a k60 pro it will work with android auto?
  9. N

    Best Rom xiaomi mi 9

    Hello, first time here. I have a xiaomi mi 9 with a miui 12.0.4 QFAMIXM and i was wondering if i should trade for a better rom. If so what rom is better for my device? thks