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  1. K

    [GUIDE] How to install ROM for Xiaomi 13 series

    hello, i have stable XIAOMI 13 I did not upgrade to update. Can i go straight to stable? thank you!
  2. K

    Resolved [RESOLVED] Google play system update breaking system on venus

    Thank you very much!!! I installed TWRP as the friends said i delete through twrp and my phone is back to normal life!
  3. K

    Resolved [RESOLVED] Google play system update breaking system on venus

    Thank you very very much guys! I will try tomorrow. If I had problem I will ask again for your help. I am desperate, my phone is in bad condition. Fortunately I can make and receive calls of course without ringing.
  4. K

    Resolved [RESOLVED] Google play system update breaking system on venus

    I don't have twrp. Can I flash it without loose my data? Without any other problems?
  5. K

    Resolved [RESOLVED] Google play system update breaking system on venus

    I think that rom for my fuxi is hybrid. And if it is hybrid what can I do? I am not an expert. Can you help me?
  6. K

    Resolved [RESOLVED] Google play system update breaking system on venus

    I am on eu stable. No root no TWRP. is there another way to delete this? I am desperated!
  7. K

    New Xiaomi MIUI 14.0.28 eu stable camera app not working

    I dont have twrp installed. is there any aother way?
  8. K

    New Xiaomi MIUI 14.0.28 eu stable camera app not working

    I am not expert so i ask; Can i install TWRP after rom installation? I Have eu stable fuxi. Will i lost any data?
  9. K

    New Xiaomi MIUI 14.0.28 eu stable camera app not working

    Same problems here XIAOMI 13 FUXI STABLE no camera, no ringing, cannot change ringtone, and possible other problems that i have not discoverde yet. I have always problems with contact search and missing all contacts but sometimes with restart was ok. But now all these problems...
  10. K

    [GUIDE] How to install ROM for Xiaomi 13 series

    Hello suddenly i have many problems (XIAOMI 13 FUXI stable EU, ringing stopped when someone called me, cannot change ringtone through settings(app stops responding) camera does not open, flashlight not open and possible other problems i did not know until know. Can i run again the...