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  1. S

    [CM10.1] Daily build of CM10.1 For Mi2

    Oh sorry.. I used to fix it (latest version), I lost the one that failed.
  2. S

    [CM10.1] Daily build of CM10.1 For Mi2

    I found an other zip, this fixed it. Thanks anyways!
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    [CM10.1] Daily build of CM10.1 For Mi2

    For me it crashes as soon as I launch it, after installing it.
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    [CM10.1] Daily build of CM10.1 For Mi2

    Do you think you could fix google play?
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    NEW CM10.1(storage are working)

    I would be interested for sure.
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    [CM10] [BETA] Cyanogenmod 10 for MI2s

    if it's real it would be really awesome!
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    [ROM] Marvin [English\Multilanguage] Xiaomi MI2/S [8.11]

    Thank you :), could you post a changelog?
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    [ROM] Marvin [English\Multilanguage] Xiaomi MI2/S [8.11]

    Trying it out now. First few impressions is that it's very fluent :). Thanks mate!
  9. S

    [2013-06-29] AOSP 4.1.1(QDT14)

    I suppose it can't be run along MIUI (dual boot)? Anyways, thanks a lot, and as Medina said: we are lucky to have you here!
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    [CM10] [BETA] Cyanogenmod 10 for MI2s

    It boots with auto-brightness on by default. How to disable this, because it crashes the ROM ?
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    Unable to disconnectthe call when I make it

    My caller app crashes when I try to open it.. it just quits. Really annoying, to end a call I have to reboot the damn phone.
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    [CM10] [BETA] Cyanogenmod 10 for MI2s

    Can you run this alongside MIUI? You're taling about I am a (relatively) noobish android user, what do you mean? Should I just put it on my SD card and flash via CWM? and thank you, ofcourse :).
  13. S

    Unable to disconnectthe call when I make it

    I'm having the same problem, can't get it fixed though.. sometimes the phone app crashes too, making me unable to disconnect the call even if I do manage to bypass the proximity sensor... I've done several full wipes (including SD card) but it's still happening. What do I do ?
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    [ROM] 3.6.28 Rayglobe V2.1 ~ Updated ROM from Rayglobe V2.

    Maybe it's because I was using truecaller. I uninstalled the ROM to be honest, because I call regularly. However I'm running into a new issue. This ROM speeds up the animations, but after I have done several full wipes (including all data), I just got back the speeded up animations by restoring...
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    [GUIDE] Flashing rom Using Miflash Mi2/3

    This topic should not get lost, so I'm just gonna go ahead and bump it. Sorry.
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    [ROM] 3.6.28 Rayglobe V2.1 ~ Updated ROM from Rayglobe V2.

    Simon, could you try and fix the caller app? I was stuck in a call, and could not hang up. Cost me some minutes (had reached someone's voicemail) untill I finally realised I had to reboot to end the call. Thank man :).
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    Smartisan new OS

    I agree. They should free the kernel...
  18. S

    [ROM] 3.6.28 Rayglobe V2.1 ~ Updated ROM from Rayglobe V2. working link
  19. S

    [ROM] 3.6.28 Rayglobe V2.1 ~ Updated ROM from Rayglobe V2.

    The caller app crashes during calls and calculator app is missing as mentioned earlier, for the rest... Nice ROM