Search results

  1. _jordan_

    SOLD - Xiaomi MI2S 16GB for Sale (Cont. USA only)

    Posting on this site is pointless. Its small and everyone here has miui on their phone already. Too bad xda took out their for sale section. I'd bite the bullet and eBay it. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  2. _jordan_

    Cannot hear voice when receive a call.

    I've had this happen on multiple devices. Usually its network related in my experience. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  3. _jordan_

    Lagfix app

    Pry better to leave it out. I wonder what xiaomi will be giving us now that kit Kat was announced. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  4. _jordan_

    Lagfix app

    Its definitely not a placebo. After flashing miuiandroid over the xiaomi release, there was probably a lot of junk leftover. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  5. _jordan_

    Lagfix app

    That sucks. 4.3 is much better. Revived my galaxy nexus NP. @ Acid. Does your script fstrim /system? I'm terrified of messing with /system on a device with two system partitions. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  6. _jordan_

    Lagfix app

    The lagfix app induces fstrim and works perfectly on our device. The speed improvements are very noticeable. Just posting here because I tested the app and it works with no bugs. Didn't see any Google play reviews from owners if this device...
  7. _jordan_

    Cannot hear voice when receive a call.

    This may happen from time to time. Its usually network related. I use my phone for work and take over 100 calls a day sometimes. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  8. _jordan_

    MULTI MIUI Multi lang 3.8.30/29

    Using it now. No bugs. Root access confirmed. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  9. _jordan_


    What is the difference with 3.8.29 and 3.8.30
  10. _jordan_


    Good catch on the root bug. Strange.
  11. _jordan_

    Changelog MIUI ROM 3.8.30/29 Changelog

    Ready for this one. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  12. _jordan_


    Doesn't the snapdragon 800 have an integrated LTE modem? Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  13. _jordan_

    Resolved MIUI blocks you from downloading files >20MB

    Fantastic news Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  14. _jordan_

    Question about Mi2S CPU

    What does this app tell you? Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  15. _jordan_

    Hugo Barra headed to Xiaomi Interesting. Maybe the source will be released? Good news for us either way. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  16. _jordan_

    [GUIDE] Flashing rom Using Miflash Mi2/3

    Are the miflash packages the same as factory images? Im on Linux and can't run miflash. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  17. _jordan_

    Resolved MIUI blocks you from downloading files >20MB

    I've actually tried that, but it monkeys up the pie chart because it tries to show your data usage as part of the total available. What's best would be a toggle or something for unlimited users, so the graph looks like this, just showing the usage total. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  18. _jordan_

    Mirecovery doesn't wipe cache

    It only seems to wipe the cache when a new ROM is installed. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  19. _jordan_

    SOLD - Xiaomi MI2S 16GB for Sale (Cont. USA only)

    A guy in xda asked me about where to buy this device. I'll pm him a link to this thread. Sorry to hear you want to sell it so badly. In my opinion this device is the best bang for the buck out there. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  20. _jordan_

    SOLD - Xiaomi MI2S 16GB for Sale (Cont. USA only)

    EBay or swappa it... Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S