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  1. _jordan_

    MI2 bad quality photos

    Yeah shown us what you mean by a bad photo . My phone takes great photos. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  2. _jordan_

    Xiaomi Toolkit- PC suite for Xiaomi mi2(s) and mi3

    Dude this looks awesome. Can't wait for an adb solution for Linux users. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  3. _jordan_

    SOLD - Xiaomi MI2S 16GB for Sale (Cont. USA only)

    CGS Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  4. _jordan_

    MULTI MIUI Multi lang 3.9.27

    Anyone know how to activate the xiaomi locator service? I'm in the USA and whatever activation text message it tries to send fails. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  5. _jordan_

    MULTI MIUI Multi lang 3.9.27

    Looks like the red rice wallpapers took the place of the v5 wallpapers Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  6. _jordan_

    MULTI MIUI Multi lang 3.9.27

    No prob. I'll just dl it normally. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  7. _jordan_

    MULTI MIUI Multi lang 3.9.27

    For some reason the updater.cannot find the update. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  8. _jordan_

    Mi2s slow motion camera

    I wonder why it is limited Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  9. _jordan_

    Who has ordered one?

    " Xiaomi European Support " "XES" Sexy... Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  10. _jordan_

    MULTI MIUI Multi lang 3.9.20

    Nice job on the latest update. No issues whatsoever on my end. I appreciate a lot of the little bug fixes. There was this strange noise I used to get which would come through the speaker whenever I pressed the space bar key, however that noise is no longer present. Just a little thing I...
  11. _jordan_

    Who has ordered one?

    I'd pry wait on getting an mi3 in full after the staff here get one. Owning a Xiaomi device outside of China would be a horrible experience if it weren't for miuiandroud. Am I still allowed to call this place miuiandroid? Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  12. _jordan_

    Xiaomi Mi 2S not showing up on Android SDK debugging

    Also on 13.04 Can you elaborate? Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  13. _jordan_

    Cannot hear voice when receive a call.

    Probably because cache was wiped on the new install... Or because you are in an area with a good network signal. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  14. _jordan_

    Cannot hear voice when receive a call.

    Does it clear after a cache wipe and reboot? Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  15. _jordan_

    Who has ordered one?

    I'm sorry but NFC is useless. Not a reason to get the device. Also the camera and processed are only a slight bump up. The mi3 is for those who didn't buy xiaomis other devices due to their size. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  16. _jordan_

    MULTI MIUI Multi lang 3.9.6

    It's avail since this was posted Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  17. _jordan_

    MULTI MIUI Multi lang 3.9.6

    Edit nevermind
  18. _jordan_

    Changelog MIUI ROM 3.9.6 Changelog

    Happens a lot with the OK cupid dating app. Its either an issue with the ROM, or I am delusional regarding my chances of landing a date. Definitely the ROM :p Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  19. _jordan_

    Who has ordered one?

    No point if you already have an mi2s. Especially since you'd most likely have purchased it because of its form factor. The processor bump isn't enough of a justification. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  20. _jordan_

    Mi2S speaker volume is too low

    Any news on this? Volume is still a bit too low for me.