Search results

  1. _jordan_

    What is your best configuration for have best antutu bench?

    Disable Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS. Clean up unnecessary files and junk on your device. Run fstrim after cleaning the device with the security app cleaner. Then reboot and run the test again. Sent from my MI 2SC
  2. _jordan_

    What is your best configuration for have best antutu bench?

    Ran the test again. Still got great results. You have to be prepared for some fluctuation with antutu scores, and although 28395 is my best score, most scores are less than 28000. Sent from my MI 2SC
  3. _jordan_

    What is your best configuration for have best antutu bench?

    Just the version from miuiandroid :) No performance mode. Its useless in antutu and can actually hinder performance during a benchmark, as part of the test measures multi core performance. Sent from my MI 2SC
  4. _jordan_

    dead battery

    Very strange. So the trick is to remove the batter, plug in the device, and then insert the battery? Sent from my MI 2SC
  5. _jordan_

    What is your best configuration for have best antutu bench?

    My best score. It was not done with the performance toggle. I actually found the performance toggle does not effect antutu scores. All it does is bring all cores online, however antutu does this during its tests anyways. Sent from my MI 2SC
  6. _jordan_

    Unlock Lockscreen when clicking on notifications?

    Yes, this works for me as well. Be sure you have all the settings properly enabled. If it still doesnt work, the error is most likely due to a bug with the ROM flr your specific device. Sent from my MI 2SC
  7. _jordan_

    MULTI 3.12.6

    Yes. This is a great feature. I never tried the radio app up until this release. It was always kind of useless. Sent from my MI 2SC
  8. _jordan_

    dead battery

    Do you usually leave your device off the charger at night? If so there is a possibility it drained last night and the battery needs to be on the charger for a few mins to regain enough charge to boot the device. My galaxy nexus died and took an hr to accumulate enough charge to boot. If its...
  9. _jordan_

    Multilanguage and stable rom

    @OP Use the miuiandroid multilingual rom from this website and be done with it. Miuiandroid produces a stabil rom with very few issues. Sent from my MI 2SC
  10. _jordan_

    MULTI 3.12.6

    ^ are you on the english only rom, or the multilang rom?
  11. _jordan_

    MULTI 3.12.6

    Ahh. I see the new weather apk is included in the EN version of the rom. Thanks. Does the EN version get the OTA just like the multilang does?
  12. _jordan_

    MULTI 3.12.6

    The weather app was recently updated as per the change log. Is there a link to the newest apk?
  13. _jordan_

    MULTI 3.12.6

    Thanks for your hard work. Looking forward to this weeks release.
  14. _jordan_

    MULTI 3.11.29

    Cool thanks
  15. _jordan_

    MULTI 3.11.29

    Bz weather no longer uses the live icon, or displays information below the clock.
  16. _jordan_

    Xiaomi M2s - Antutu 43k score!

    Dunno how 43k is possible. Probably a build prop tweak to trick antutu? Here's my best: Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  17. _jordan_

    Xiaomi Mi 2S not showing up on Android SDK debugging

    I still can't get this to work on Ubuntu. I give up. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  18. _jordan_

    MULTI MIUI Multi lang 3.11.15

    Yeah buddy, lock screen date is back. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  19. _jordan_

    MIUI Home vs MIUI ROM

    After a large read/write, it can make a difference. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
  20. _jordan_

    Super low call volume!!!

    Not without a /system mod which must be reflashed every week. Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S