How can I switch to a HyperOS version that is still being updated?
I am currently on MIUI V14.0.13.0.TKACNXM stable. Global is supposed to get HyperOS 2.
I need a version that supports banking apps. I would be grateful in advance for any helpful tips!
Hello xiaomi friends,
can you tell me how the latest ROM for Mi 11 Ultra behaves?
-Battery drain problem solved?
-Banking apps running without problems?
-Gpay works?
Big thanks in advance!
Can confirm the rapid draining of the battery. Have this with the last two ROMs.
Do you also have the problem of the black screen after playing a voice message in Whatsapp?
Have the same problem with voice messages in whatsapp. After playing (on ear) the display stays off and can only be used by long pressing the off button after restart.
Anyone have a solution for this?
Why is format data mandatory? Because weekly is newer?
Can i wait a few months until the stable is up and running and then install the rom via dirtyflash without wipe data?
Thanks in advance!