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  1. spaxon

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    Now it is getting worser with Cell standby, as you can see my gsm signal is very good... Edit it is now 41% cell s. and the phone is pretty hot. Screen on time 3:23 [
  2. spaxon

    [port] Cm12 Keyboard On Aosp

    On Lollipop 5.1 also works resizing of the keyboard but you must save it and then reboot the phone... Great keyboard, the best I can say it...
  3. spaxon

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    You have 0% battery drain in idle - deep sleep, so do you use gapps or you are without it? I dont know but Cell standby is high to me 17% and overnight about 6-7h it took me about 6-7% of the battery and maybe even more. In every rom I had this battery drain problem (normal mode, without wifi...
  4. spaxon

    [port] Cm12 Keyboard On Aosp

    I found a way to install and use CM12 keyboard on Kitkat or Jellybean roms: Copy to /system/lib, ensure the file permissions for that .so file is set to rw-r--r-- via ES File Explorer or Root Explorer, after that just normally install LatinIME.apk Voila! ;)...
  5. spaxon

    MI2S - HELP! I cannot write/delete anything :(

    Maybe this can help you ;) it worked for me along time ago...
  6. spaxon

    [ROM][Official][4.4.4] CyanogenMod 11.0 Nightlies for the Xiaomi MI2 (aries)

    There is also really good tutorial from our Russian friends, you can use google translate: CM12 But can I ask is it usefull in lollipop 5.1?
  7. spaxon

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    Google Messenger
  8. spaxon

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    janikjan, is new updated rom for you better or worse on idle - in deepsleep? It seems to me that first 5.1 rom was better when sleeping overnight. Maybe I could be wrong and just seems to...
  9. spaxon

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    I used this before by m11kkaa: But currently I dont have G4A Bootloader, it is now standard...
  10. spaxon

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    There is alot of files to flash via fastboot, but I dont know as I said maybe it is just coincidence. I have screenshot of these files (img) there are a lot of them, so what they overwrite in the system I dont know, maybe some corrections? I used the command flash all...
  11. spaxon

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    Baseband version: M9615A-CEFWMAZM-2.0.128017 Well, I dont know, maybe it is coincidence? But who knows, I really dont have any problems with this rom, and also with new update of this Ivan`s rom after these steps...
  12. spaxon

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    hehe I have no reboots till then ;) Find my post and see date, from that date not even one reboot. I can see that was Friday, Apr 3, but I flash it all at Apr 5, so it is one full week without any problems with reboot bug...
  13. spaxon

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    You can try this instructions from MikelFuchs:
  14. spaxon

    V6 Gapps Problem, Help Needed.

    Thats great instructions for flashing custom recoveries on the original MIUI V6, thanks ;)
  15. spaxon

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    Yep, I tried sending emails from my computer and it was received in a moment on my mi2s... It was in deep sleep along time ago, so everything is good with wifi for me...
  16. spaxon

    V6 Gapps Problem, Help Needed.

    Try to flash or pa_gapps-modular-pico(uni)
  17. spaxon

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    Previous version of G. Messenger works very well on 5.1... I have no disconnectings in idle when screen is off, wifi works normal as it should...
  18. spaxon

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    With this metod in #4 post I dont have any reboot problems, not even 1 reboot: And PA 5.1 Gapps Pico(Uni):
  19. spaxon

    Mokee OS OFFICIAL Android 4.4.4 ( Updated on daily basis)

    2 hours only with 3100? I have 2000mah and almost 5 hours on screen, 4-4:30 mostly... But my problem phone idle over the night is terrible on every rom, with 5.1 is a little better...
  20. spaxon

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    Maybe you have problem just like me on 5.1, maybe not... just read all.