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  1. E

    bluetooth 4.0

    no one?
  2. E

    Android Device Manager

    Hum ok thanks... You think that miui wil ever be able to work with this feature?
  3. E

    Android Device Manager

    No I never created a MiCloud account... And thanks for the help
  4. E

    Android Device Manager

    Yes I also did that. I also rebooted after...
  5. E

    Android Device Manager

    Yes I did...
  6. E

    Android Device Manager

    Does anyone manage to make this work? I can make it find my phone but I cannot activate the erase button... Does any one have any idea why?
  7. E

    bluetooth 4.0

    CAn any one confirm that the xiaomi mi2 (V1) does have bluetooth 4.0? Is it working with the latest rom of miui (MIUI-3.6.28)? Does any one have tried or has the #mce_temp_url# woring with xiaomi MI2?
  8. E

    Line out accessory

    What I am looking for is something like this: but for XiaoMi2 Does any one know something like this?
  9. E

    Line out accessory

    Does any one know about a way to get sound from lineout instead of normal non amplified for headphones from the xiao mi2? I had on my Ipod a adapter to do that is there something similar that uses the USB port?
  10. E

    Xiaomi questions

    Thanks for your answers... Is there a petition to fix this? They know about it? Thanks any way I was under the impression that the dialer of MIUI was the exDialer. I am not really a fan of installing apps to overrun the system ones. Thanks anyway.
  11. E

    Xiaomi questions

    No news about this subject??
  12. E

    Xiaomi questions

    I simply downloaded the roms and installed them manually. But thanks for all the inputs. I found some problems with my phone that I wish to know if there are solutions: When I use the SMS app and rotate the phone the text that I am writing overlaps the name of the contact I am sending the...
  13. E

    Xiaomi questions

    I did the update from MIUI-3.3.8 to 3.3.15 (Weekly Build) using the updater app and now if i check for new updates it does not find one...
  14. E

    Xiaomi questions

    ok so If i update to 3.3.15 (Weekly Build) if i check for another update it shoul show that there is another update (possibly 3.3.29). Is that correct?
  15. E

    Xiaomi questions

    Sorry for the late response but I was busy working and did not have the time to come here to post the answer. Thanks for the Ideas I solved the problem I do not know how but I did :s I have Yet (Yes sorry) another question. On the Rom I have installed MIUI VERSION: MIUI-3.3.8 I did a...
  16. E

    Xiaomi questions

    The hostname is the name that goes on the network.
  17. E

    Misuse mode enabled

    Yes I noticed that. The name made me "missmatch" the setting :p Thanks for the help
  18. E

    Misuse mode enabled

    Sorry about that I was under the impression that this message was a security feature so I searched it on the security.
  19. E

    Misuse mode enabled

    Hello I found ount that my Xiaomi MI" some time when I unlock the phone gives a messge "Misuse mode enabled ........" (I do not have time to read the full message). I found out in this thread something similar but it is for 2.9.14. So how can I turn off misuse mode? If it is possible?
  20. E

    Xiaomi questions

    Thanks for all your answers. Does any one knows how to change the hostname of the phone?