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  1. stillka

    [ROM | 4.4.4][ | WIUI 6 | ][ 4.10.10 FiNAL ] - MULTiLanguage | AROMA |

    I am sure that camera get more features later, MIUI v6 is only in beta version, for all features use V5!
  2. stillka

    [ROM | 4.4.4][ | WIUI 6 | ][ 4.10.10 FiNAL ] - MULTiLanguage | AROMA |

    Looking forward for Wajk version of released ""
  3. stillka

    [ROM | 4.4.4][ | WIUI 6 | ][ 4.10.10 FiNAL ] - MULTiLanguage | AROMA |

    Hi, it would be fine if you move to xda, it's sad what xiaomi did but we don't need them, we (you) doing your work for people, not for Xiaomi....correct?
  4. stillka

    [ROM | 4.4.4][ | WIUI 6 | ][ 4.10.10 FiNAL ] - MULTiLanguage | AROMA |

    yes, backup your data (using titanium), do a fresh install and restore the data.
  5. stillka

    Rom MIUI 6

    no reboots (4.9.11)
  6. stillka

    Rom MIUI 6

    4.9.11 + new camera is working fine for me (MI2s 16GB 8mpx) - properties button works like mem manager (annoying!) - fonts are not optimized for 720p - missing widgets placing, launcher properties - missing alarm icon on statusbar when alarm is set up - volume +- animation is from v5
  7. stillka

    Rom MIUI 6

    i did a dirty install over the old version, reflashed google apps and it's Ok, all apps working fine, camera including, great rom
  8. stillka

    Rom MIUI 6

    Somebody re-upload on google drive or dropbox, please
  9. stillka

    Rom MIUI 6

    I would say we have to wait for new release (or use old one which need to be flashed via fastboot (4.9.2))
  10. stillka

    Rom MIUI 6

    Any idea how to make hw keys work like it's on miuiv5? - properties button doesn't work - long press home button doesn't launch task manager
  11. stillka

    Rom MIUI 6

    you have to edit flash script and flash only system, not system + system1.
  12. stillka

    Rom MIUI 6

    with chinese apps removed and flashed google apps its quite good rom!
  13. stillka

    Rom MIUI 6

    Hi, I don't need it as I solved the problem but generally it's easier for beginners. If you have fast internet connection you can do it. (I have 512kb/s upload :PPPP)
  14. stillka

    Rom MIUI 6

    Thank you, this make the magic: fastboot $* flash system "`dirname $0`/images/system.img"
  15. stillka

    Rom MIUI 6

    Yes, I have reduced size of System2 to 10MB :-) Could somebody flash this ROM and upload and CWM backup? Then we can restore it over CWM and not need to repartition all our devices which has been customized in any way....
  16. stillka

    Rom MIUI 6

    I have modified partition sizes, maybe it'a a reason why I can't flash it? (I have used script) soc-id: 109 sending 'tz' (196 KB)... OKAY [ 0.019s] writing 'tz'... OKAY [ 0.034s] finished. total time: 0.053s sending 'sbl1' (82 KB)... OKAY [ 0.010s] writing...
  17. stillka

    qualcomm driver dont support 4.4?

    I think it's not lazyness, it' lack of developers - they are busy with porting MIUI6 on other newer devices then old MI2...
  18. stillka

    [ROM | 4.1.1][ | WIUI | ][ 4.8.29 - FiNAL ] - MULTiLanguage | v4 | v5 | AROMA |

    It exist a stream about that on this forum or on
  19. stillka

    [ROM | 4.1.1][ | WIUI | ][ 4.8.29 - FiNAL ] - MULTiLanguage | v4 | v5 | AROMA |

    Hi, last rom is great! What about porting MIUI v6 to KK?