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  1. manohar

    Mokee OS OFFICIAL Android 4.4.4 ( Updated on daily basis)

    Hi, latest Stable release of Mokee's ROM uploaded today... Try it guys... it is very good.
  2. manohar

    [ROM][OFFICIAL][KitKat 4.4.3][ARIES] PAC-man 4.4 [Nightly]

    For me it is not a cup of cake. It is always giving me trouble... it is so buggy I will stick to Mokee's for now, once PAC reaches stable version, then i will come back....
  3. manohar

    [ROM][OFFICIAL][KitKat 4.4.3][ARIES] PAC-man 4.4 [Nightly]

    Do we really need so much customizations ?
  4. manohar

    [ROM][OFFICIAL][KitKat 4.4.3][ARIES] PAC-man 4.4 [Nightly]

    I switched ART... even then it was not smooth. governer i used cfq... Have you tried Pac Gummy ROM or CM 11 ROM by M1cha ? if yes how is it compared to Pacman ? I rate Mokee as 1st among all other ROMs in terms of battery life & speed. What about you ?
  5. manohar

    Mokee OS OFFICIAL Android 4.4.4 ( Updated on daily basis)

    Try Mokee's last release which is 10th June 2014. It is very good.
  6. manohar

    [ROM][OFFICIAL][KitKat 4.4.3][ARIES] PAC-man 4.4 [Nightly]

    Does power saving mode works without a lag ? I had hard time setting the CPU frequencies constantly to 918MHz. Even after ART, i had a laggy experience...
  7. manohar

    Mokee OS OFFICIAL Android 4.4.4 ( Updated on daily basis)

    Here is my battery life using Mokee's 4.4.3 release dated 10th June 2014 I am using 3000mAh battery & power save mode. Screen brightness reduced to 10 & automatic After trying so many ROM's i am finally settled to Mokee's release. It is simply awesome. Smoothness, performance & above all...
  8. manohar

    [Rom][ARIES][Official][Kitkat - 4.4.3] - Gummy - Nightly's

    ROM size shows up on the site as 223.5mb, but when i click on downloading, it shows as downloading 213.150mb Is there something i am missing ? @m1cha: so you say it is much faster & more stable than CM 11 ROM oder ?
  9. manohar

    [ROM][OFFICIAL][KitKat 4.4.3][ARIES] PAC-man 4.4 [Nightly]

    I am sorry to spoil your spirit, but i get maximum battery life with Mokee's ROM latest. over 7hrs 30 minutes with 3000mAh battery with 9% charge remaining... it is then i put it for charging. I agree that Pac ROM is loaded with features & on few occasions, i got lost by trying to understand...
  10. manohar

    [ROM][Official][4.4.4] CyanogenMod 11.0 Nightlies for the Xiaomi MI2 (aries)

    @M1cha, thanks for your hard work. Great to see you develop ROMs for Mi2. How is it different from Mokee's & Carbon's ROM & also Cofface's ROM ?
  11. manohar

    [ROM][OFFICIAL][KitKat 4.4.3][ARIES] PAC-man 4.4 [Nightly]

    Hi M1cha, how is it different from CM nightlies ? Does it uses the same Kernel as Ivan's ?
  12. manohar

    Moonlight roms[Linaro- sabermod toolchain]

    battery life is good so far... similar to Mokee's 4.4.3 Launcher is not giving me any trouble so far. other than that, everything is super cool including ART. IS Winamp working for anyone with ART & Viper4Android enabled ? For me it is failing to start, but installation is ok... I am using...
  13. manohar

    Mi2 - Where to pre-order/buy?

    It is subjective bro.... things which i like you may not like. And Vice Versa is also true. So i dont recommend you any alternative, instead all i can say is there are better Phones available in plenty which are better than Xiaomi Mi2S. You can prove whatever you want, this is my opinion and you...
  14. manohar

    Is 4.4.3 on the cards for MI2S soon?

    When bro ? Source pls...
  15. manohar

    Mi2 - Where to pre-order/buy?

    Don't buy Mi2 now. There are so many better alternatives. Choose anyone among them. My sincere advice being an Owner of Mi2S 32GB since 1 yr
  16. manohar

    Mokee OS OFFICIAL Android 4.4.4 ( Updated on daily basis)

    True, they don't go hand in hand. I mean one at a time, not together ! You miss Gravity Box because of Xposed Framework ?
  17. manohar

    Moonlight roms[Linaro- sabermod toolchain]

    Unfortunately, Moonlight's 4.4.3 ROM is giving me poor battery life. I noticed that it supports ART & it has got nothing to do with battery i guess. I may be wrong. For sure there is no power save setting & wakeblocker setting which are both essential for me. For that reason maybe i was getting...
  18. manohar

    Moonlight roms[Linaro- sabermod toolchain]

    Moonlight has updated his ROM source to 4.4.3 Just try it & feel the difference guys.... i am trying now... @phani: update your main page regarding the new release...