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  1. rbarat

    TWRP / Orangefox recovery for Redmi Note 9 Pro (Joyeuse)

    This is not true! The normal way is to update the ROM via OTA. It is not necessary to manually install the ROM from TWRP. Find icon Updater and run it, its all. Phone will automaticaly download ROM update and install it.
  2. rbarat

    TWRP / Orangefox recovery for Redmi Note 9 Pro (Joyeuse)

    Why you didnt use OTA update? Then it doesn't format anything.
  3. rbarat

    [Guide][Note 9 Pro][] Enable automatic call recording

    Detailed installation instructions are here in the first post Look for text "How to install:"
  4. rbarat

    TWRP / Orangefox recovery for Redmi Note 9 Pro (Joyeuse)

    This is not true. For me version 5.4.0 still works very well. I am using version 5.4.0 everyday. It can be found directly in Magisk manager apk under name MagiskHide Props Config v5.4.0-v114 od Didgeridoohan. But, I added link to version to 1st post also. to first post
  5. rbarat

    [Guide][Note 9 Pro][] Enable automatic call recording

    It's working only on local MIUI.EU ROM 11.0.7!!! If you have original obal ROM it will not work!!! Install latest MIUI.EU ROM, it is 12.0.1. There is call recording inside. It is not necessary to install anything.
  6. rbarat

    TWRP / Orangefox recovery for Redmi Note 9 Pro (Joyeuse)

    I don't know anything, I haven't tried it yet. If anybody will try it, let us know. TWRP 3.5 is required for Android 11.
  7. rbarat

    TWRP / Orangefox recovery for Redmi Note 9 Pro (Joyeuse)

    Someone recommended backing up this way. I'm doing it and you really just need to back up this. It's just a recommendation, back up as you wish.
  8. rbarat

    TWRP / Orangefox recovery for Redmi Note 9S (Curtana)

    Edited first post: - added link to Orangefox recovery
  9. rbarat

    TWRP / Orangefox recovery for Redmi Note 9 Pro (Joyeuse)

    Edited first post: - added new custom TWRP 3.5 - added link to Mauronofrio's XDA installation instructions page - added link to Orangefox recovery
  10. rbarat

    TWRP / Orangefox recovery for Redmi Note 9 Pro (Joyeuse)

    It doesn't happen to me. Did you install it correctly? Did you format the Data?
  11. rbarat

    Redmi Note 9 Pro Wi-Fi and Notifications problem.

    You are at wrong forum. This web/discusions are not about Global ROM! This is about local MIUI.EU custom ROMs. I use the local MIUI.EU ROM and I have no problems with Wifi. Installation instructions are in the first post So, install local MIUI.EU ROM, maybe it helps you.
  12. rbarat

    [GUIDE] How to install ROM for Redmi Note 9S / 9 Pro

    Which ROM did tou instal lexactly? Couldn't you have installed a ROM for Curtana on Joyeuse?
  13. rbarat

    [GUIDE] How to install ROM for Redmi Note 9S / 9 Pro

    For me Mauronofrio TWRP works perfect, no problems. Maybe you didnt decrypt Internal storage by Format Data.
  14. rbarat

    Do I always need to Wipe/Format Data when in TWRP (Joyeuse)

    We haven't weekly versions ROM for Joyeuse. Odoslané z tb8788p1_64_bsp pomocou Tapatalku
  15. rbarat

    [GUIDE] How to install ROM for Redmi Note 9S / 9 Pro

    Install ROM by normal way, which is from TWRP, guide here in the 1sk post: For Joyeuse (Redmi note 9 Pro) For Curtana (Redmi Nnte 9S) Bootloader ROM versions exists only because we haven't TWRP recovery in the past. Now when we have TWRP, use recovery ROM versions only. Any ROM updates in the...
  16. rbarat

    Redni note 9 pro V12.01.0QJZUEX VS. xiaomi.eu_multi_HMNote9Pro_HMNote9S_V12.0.2.0.QJWMIXM_v12-10

    I'm just specifying that the instructions are in the first post.
  17. rbarat

    Call recording for ROM for note 9 pro global

    I think, you tried old ROM version (MIUI 11), where was problem with call recordings. In latest MIUI12 ROM, everything works well. This is latest local MIUI.EU ROM for RN9PRO (MIUI12) ...
  18. rbarat

    Call recording for ROM for note 9 pro global

    Why are you asking here? This web is about local custom MIUI.EU ROM. Not about official global ROM. I wrote you exactly what you have to do. Local MIUI. EU ROM for Redmi Note 9 Pto works perfect, no problems there. Call recordings works perfect also. Use my instructions to instal local ROM...
  19. rbarat

    Call recording for ROM for note 9 pro global

    You have to install local MIUI.EU ROM, there is Call Recording. Instructions here, in the 1st post: There is complete tutorial how to install TWRP + ROM.