I don't know if it's a bug, cause I am new on 12.5, but when I get email notifications, I was used to slide down notification with one finger, in this version I need to point one finger on it and the other to slide it down.
Is this normal?
So you would recommend to take the step from 12.3 a10 to latest 12.5 a11? Saved since you have MI9TPro too, do you know if I can flash dirty and do I have to watch out for twrp trouble? Last time I ended up in fastboot mode
I cannot find this (xiaomi.eu_multi_MINote10LITE_V12.1.1.0.RFNMIXM_v12-11.zip) version on Androidfilehost, only on sourceforge.
Why? Is there a problem with this update?
I had the same problem. I found no solution and went back to prior version
Btw I flashed some other twrp over adb and at least I enter twrp again. Remember not to boot into twrp through adb fastboot