I have another issue, with tethering/hotspot. I have Vodafone IT (Italy) and with MIUI all worked (obviously because MIUI is 4.1.1 and Google start block tethering on 4.1.2),but now, the tethering doesn't work. I also try with Free Tethering Fix and ISWAT Tether Unlocker.
I open an issue https://github.com/M1cha/android_device_xiaomi_aries/issues/6
Also is possible to found the origin of my battery drain? Exists any apps? Thanks.
The tab for the search with google on the browser stock doesn't work, i type a term but the browser load only www.google.com without the result.
This error is also for the other tab, these who i type a normal website
Hi! I've update my Xiaomi Mi2 with 3.3.29 Miuiandroid for the new 3.4.12, but on the browser, in my bookmars, its can't load the thumbnails. It's normal? Because the last browser did it.