Recent content by neonaloj

  1. N

    EU rom flash fails-after bootloop on custom rom+ search for a fastboot one

    I've tried but.. Phone is in bootloop on "poco logo", to enter safe mode I must enter recovery mode (with vol +) then I can choose safe mode but it still reboots on poco logo in bootloop.. And if I enter fastboot mode, again same schema, whatever I do flash it's in bootloop... (and I can't even...
  2. N

    EU rom flash fails-after bootloop on custom rom+ search for a fastboot one

    unfortunatly not.. first my son would't have survived without phone. But for what I did, I do get the (stock) recovery installed, the "new" fastboot img... So I still wonder if it really is a hardware issue, not that sure. But I was never able to boot any rom (official, eu, custom..) I tried...
  3. N

    EU rom flash fails-after bootloop on custom rom+ search for a fastboot one

    Hi, Well I didn't wait for the original download to finish, I've found another link on mifirmware[dot]com (same rom & checksum). I did what you @gogocar62 kindly told me : extract the folder from the rom, placed it at the root of pc, selected it on MiFlash.. : All looked right, flash was...
  4. N

    EU rom flash fails-after bootloop on custom rom+ search for a fastboot one

    Hi, Thanks for the link ! I didn't find this global rom... That said, I can't say yet how it works, as the download is veryyy long : for more that 10 hours from your link (only 0.8 of 5.2Go at the time of writing), I found it on 'mifirm' too but it seems it's also very long to be downloaded...
  5. N

    EU rom flash fails-after bootloop on custom rom+ search for a fastboot one

    Hey, thanks for the tip ! Had a quick look, I don't find the log folder.. But anyway, the version proposed below does work. But thank you very much ! Waow, you're the boss, my lifesaver !! Thank you very very much ! So the MiFlash tool does work. I've put the folder (extracted from the rom ...
  6. N

    EU rom flash fails-after bootloop on custom rom+ search for a fastboot one

    I'm back.. I can't install MiFlash tool, I've tried on Win11 too... Same error "impossible to find a part of the access way to C:\..........\MiFlash20220507\MiFlash20220507\log\miflash@2024712.txt" .. I've also tried to flash the rom (link given by @gogocar62 ) in fastboot on Win11 pc, no more...
  7. N

    EU rom flash fails-after bootloop on custom rom+ search for a fastboot one

    Thanks very much ! I just tried a fastboot install of this one (I think it was the one I already tried), the script goes well (but not with 'fastboot flash ...' cmd prompt but 'sending - writing' instead), until the end no problem, phone reboot... => bootloop ... I'm not a great fan of the...
  8. N

    EU rom flash fails-after bootloop on custom rom+ search for a fastboot one

    Hi, Son's X3 pro with custom rom (& root) was in bootloop some days ago. I could put it in recovery mode (twrp) and fastboot. BUT... First I couldn't see any used storage even with the right password. A "format data" solved this. Then I tried to flash back the exact same file of the rom it was...